Blue Jay Mural

Last fall while we were working on a different project Ben Stark and I talked about painting the other side of the building the calendar is on. The building owner was great about it and said we could do almost anything we wanted. During the winter we sat down and did some brain storming and came up with something we were both excited to paint. It took a little time to get started because of scheduling and procuring a lift.

end of day 1

End of day 1


Day two was a long one and had a lot of busy work, but we made some great progress.


Day three was a hot one, but we made some great progress, but it was our last day with the lift so I really needed to make my time count. With the slope of the ground it was pretty difficult to put up a ladder so I needed to have all the parts at the top finished by the end of the day.


Day four was a short one, I  blocked in the rest of the tail feathers and started on the bricks, we will do some final touch ups on both.